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Starting grid

Publicado: Mar Sep 17, 2019 9:33 pm
por HAL
Escrito originalmente por Guest DrADONF en 13 de Julio del 2005
It's a little problem with scalextric digital, you only could start on you left.
So, my design (and I prefer) it's realised to start to the right
As you could see under the starting grid track, when you put off the screw, it's two wires, one red and one black. You just have to put the black at the red place and the red to the black place. After you coud start on your right.
The better it's to put a switch to chose...
But I will see you future question : Now the grid is not good !
If you want you could cut the track to place the red connector at the opposit and so the gris is ok and the base ok too !
I do it ! It's ok and run very well

Re: Starting grid

Publicado: Mar Sep 17, 2019 9:33 pm
por HAL
Escrito originalmente por olgydan en 14 de Julio del 2005
Gracias a DrADONF
Para los menos duchos en el idioma anglosajon, nuestro amigo frances nos cuenta que para su diseño, le gusta mas la salida hacia la derecha, lo que deja la centralita en el interior de la pista siendo esto incomodo y complicado, despues de haber trasteado la recta de salida donde esta dicha conexión ha descubierto que si cambias el cable rojo por el negro y viceversa, los coches cambian el sentido.
DrADONF le da una recomendación al fabricante, una salida con un Switch of/off para poder escojer hacia donde quieres correr.
for the doctor: this is your answer in spanish for the rest of "foreros"
thank you for your support!

Re: Starting grid

Publicado: Mar Sep 17, 2019 9:33 pm
por HAL
Escrito originalmente por WOPR en 14 de Julio del 2005
Could you send as a photo of central unit opened, and marking the red and black lines. thanks